All Quiet (for now)

At anchor Bahia Guirior By midnight the williwaws had started to subside and we ended up having a mostly peaceful night. Towards dawn they started up again but with nowhere near the ferocity of yesterday evening. In the drama of last night I had forgotten to set the alarm and consequently slept through the morning’s scheduled weather fax, instead awaking to the weak dawn light seeping in through the V-berth windows. Overnight the barometer had risen considerably and I was wondering whether we should not be out in the channels trying to make some ground, but a bit after 10 I heard a ship on the VHF radio reporting its position as it approached the nearby Paso Tortuoso. I called them up and asked them for the weather - northwest in excess of 30 knots, they answered. I was relieved for that settled it, we would stay put for the day. So today I have spent cleaning the boat a little, then went ashore to check the shorelines and look for a bucket that must have blown away last night (not found), and did a few odd jobs about the boat. It is quite calm here now and all again is peaceful. Hopefully it will stay that way and we will have a good sailing day tomorrow. All is well. Bob Cat: Today was OK. Our abode remained upright, no raging furies screamed at us from outside, and I scored some tuna for dinner. A bit of sunshine would be nice, I haven’t had the opportunity to sit in the sunshine since I can’t remember. Everything is so damp. I wonder what the skipper has in store for us tomorrow. But no point worrying about the future, make the most of the moment I say, the heater is on, time for a … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
PS. Just recieved the weather prognosis for tomorrow, strong northwesterlies ahead of a cold front, so I reckon it will be a case of battening down the hatches for more williwaws.