A Comfortable Night

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 28 Nov 2020 04:43
At anchor Tolaga Bay
Wind: SW F5. Sea slight Swell NE 0.5m.
Weather: mostly sunny, cool
The wind arrived at precisely 0100 this morning. I heard the shrill whoosh of its arrival from the warm comfort of my bunk as it swept down Tolaga Bay’s steep sandstone cliffs, through Sylph’s rigging and over her deck. Moments later the anchor drag alarm went off on the GPS. It was only Sylph stretching out her cable but it ensured that I got up to have a look around. Satisfied that all was still well, I reset the anchor alarm and returned to the V-berth to join Kate and Oil in their slumbers.
During the day, the wind has moderated slightly but remains fresh from the SW. While the fresh breeze has prevented us from launching the dinghy and rowing ashore, as anticipated it has knocked down the swell and ensured that Sylph remains relatively comfortable. So, today has been a quiet day at anchor. I have been poring over weather and navigation charts, as well as doing a bit of computer admin, while Kate has enjoyed some reading and baking, the products of which I am sure I will get to enjoy later.
My poring over charts has led me to conclude that departing here tomorrow should work out well for an overnight sail to Napier. Consequently, a berth has been requested from the Napier Sailing Club for Monday. The winds are forecast to go around the clock to some extent, including a period of headwinds, but we should have ample time to sail the 100 miles to arrive in Napier before sunset on Monday; which we need to because another strong southerly, this one of gale force, is expected late Monday.
All is well.