Arrived Robinson Crusoe

Position: 33 38.44 S 078 44.49 WMoored Bahia Cumberland, Robinson Crusoe Island Wind South F4 moderate breeze Weather: Overcast clearing Days Run: 137 miles. We have had another good days run today and despite our slow start leaving Valparaiso have made it to Robinson Crusoe Island in good time. The last 48 hours I have hardly ahd to touch anything, just the occasional minor adjustment of the windvane to keep us on track and at midday I shook the reef out as the wind eased slightly. We raised Robinson Crusoe at 2 p.m. On approaching Bahia Cumberland, as far as I can work out the only tenable anchorage in the Juan Fernandez group of islands, I was waved by another boat to what appeared to be a vacant mooring. I motored over to it and started hauling in the line only to find that on the end of it was a fish trap, not a mooring line. I promptly dropped the line, fishermen are known to get just a bit annoyed with anyone messing with their gear and motored back to the yacht that was trying to give me directions. When I explained it wasn’t a mooring they invited me to tie up alongside them and share the mooring they were on. There is one other mooring here which is occupied by a motor boat. Also there is a French boat at anchor but my new comrades reckon the holding is very bad and recommended that I not anchor. I was very happy to accept their invitation and we soon had Sylph secured snugly alongside our somewhat smaller neighbour. After we were secured, Sylph being the bigger boat for a change, I invited the two crew on board for a gam. They brought the wine because Sylph is a dry boat at sea, even if the decks are anything but dry. The boat Kupera is from the Ukraine, the skipper is Inrii, and Audrey is the first mate. Audrey speaks reasonable English and he explained that they are on trip around the world, Robinson Crusoe was the first book he had read as a child so they had to stop here. During our brief chat he told me that their mission was to try and open the minds of their countrymen. While the Ukraine and Russia are now free, Audrey explained most people’s minds are trapped in the old ways and are not free, and they are trying to demonstrate the new freedoms and possibilities available to their fellow citizens. It sounds like a very commendable mission to me. As we were chatting Inrii had a call on his portable radio, apparently they have two other crew who were ashore and needed to be picked up. It must be one crowded little boat. They only stayed a short while. I was very pleased to make their acquaintance. Some sad news to share today. It seems the old BC is not feeling too well. He is an old cat and like many old cats has kidney problems, hence the restricted diet. He has been gradually getting thinner but the last few days he has suddenly become noticeably weaker, I think he has a bladder infection. I am seeking some medical advice from friends in the US. He seems a little better than yesterday but I am worried about my grumpy old friend.
Bob Cat: I have felt better, please excuse me. … zzzzzzzzzzzz “Despite so many ordeals, my advanced age and the nobility of my soul make me conclude … All is well.”