No Fog – No Wind

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 30 May 2015 21:56
Course: South Sou' East Speed: 3 knots
Wind: West Sou' West, F2 light breeze
Sea: slight, Swell: West 1.5 metres
Weather: overcast, cool
Day's run: 30 nm (2000 – 1400)
The fog lifted last night and visibility has remained good since, but as the fog took the wind with it. We ended up drifting for the night, with the mainsail down to prevent slatting and chafe, and just a bit of jib up to catch whatever breeze there might be. Fortunately the current was with us for the night and we managed to drift about ten miles in the right direction, despite the lack of wind. Needless to say my optimistic prediction of arriving off Queen Charlotte Strait during the forenoon watch was abandoned almost as soon as it was made.
This morning, at ten o'clock, the wind eventually picked up sufficiently to allow sail to be set again without undue wear and tear on Sylph's gear. Nonetheless the winds remain light so progress is slow, and tonight the forecasts are for more light winds, which based on previous experience effectively means calm, so my current best guess is that we will arrive off the entrance to the Strait around midnight. Tidal streams will be a major factor as to when and where we might get to anchor, as they flow in and out of the Strait at up to four knots. Obviously if the stream is against us and the winds are light then we will be going backwards. At this stage I have my eye on a nice looking bay called Blunden Harbour behind Robinson Island. It looks well sheltered, relatively easy to get to, and unlikely to be occupied.
All is well.