Convergence Zone Chaos

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 5 Jul 2024 02:26

Noon position: 36 40.4 S 151 03.1 E
Course: NNE Speed: 4.5 knots
Wind: SW - SE, F3-5 - gentle to fresh breeze
Sea: moderate Swell: SE 2.5 meters
Weather: overcast, showers, cool
Day's run: 114 nm

We have continued to make good progress with the favourable S'ly winds, though they have been a lot more variable than I was hoping for and which the forecasts seemed to indicate. Also, since passing Jervis Bay we appear to have entered a convergence zone region with winds once again warring with one another, a SW wind fighting for dominance over the SE wind. This tug of war has led to me having to keep a constant eye on our heading, adjusting the wind vane and trimming sails to suit.

At this time of year on the east coast we normally enjoy brisk winter W'lies, with clear blue skies, but now we have a record breaking high pressure system much further south than is usual and an unstable moist SE'ly air stream to contend with. (I recorded a maximum pressure of 1040.8 hPa yesterday which initially led me to believe the barometer needed calibrating.)

On the plus side, as mentioned, we have continued to make good progress towards Sydney. We now have only fifty miles to go and should arrive in the early hours of tomorrow morning.

All is well.