Black Point BBQ

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 2 Oct 2022 07:18
At anchor Black Point
Wind SE F2
Sea: calm Swell: negligible
Weather: overcast, mild
Yesterday unfolded as planned. In the morning I rowed ashore to the small township of Port Vincent for a short walk around the streets and a visit to its supermarket where I purchased some supplies for today's barbecue. I was back on board at midday and at 1220 raised the mainsail, slipped the mooring, cast Sylph's head off to the north, and set the jib to coast along at a modest four knots, beam reaching in the light E'ly breeze.
The wind eased somewhat during the afternoon but remained strong enough for Sylph to maintain steerage way and conditions were so pleasant it was easy to resist any urge to flash up the BRM. The wind filled in a little towards late afternoon and by the time we rounded the beacon marking the northern extremity of the sand spit extending to the NE of Black Point, we were able to make good five knots or so as we beam reached into the beach. By the time we got into the anchorage area we found that all the RSAYS moorings were taken so I found a gap among the yachts and handing sail as we rounded up into the wind, at 1625 let go the anchor in four meters of water. I then used the engine to try to set the anchor but found it dragged. I weighed anchor for another attempt but this time, given the weedy nature of the bottom and the light conditions forecast for the next day or so, decided to not worry about setting the anchor.
We have subsequently enjoyed a peaceful night, the morning sea clear, calm and glassy. Despite the chilly water (13°C) I donned swimmers for a quick dip before breakfast. This afternoon I rowed ashore for the Cruising Fraternity's barbecue. It proved to be a very pleasant social occasion and now I am back on board for hopefully another peaceful night. The wind is forecast to swing into the NE overnight, only to about ten knots, but it will put us on a lee shore so I have taken the precaution of stowing the dinghy on deck in case we need to get underway during the night at short notice.
All is well.