There (Hobart)

Noon Position: 42 54.2 S 147 20.4 E Well, it all did get a bit uncomfortable to the east off Tasman Peninsular with winds all over the shop, first blowing in one direction, the next moment calm, and then the next blowing from the completely opposite direction. It left me tearing my hair out. I presume the fickle conditions were a result of the westerly gradient wind interacting with the peninsular. I did stay offshore a few miles to avoid any wind shadows but presumably not far enough. Eventually we worked around Tasman Island just before sunset. I thought about going into Port Arthur for a rest but in the end decided it was just as easy to keep going and rest when we got to Hobart. We had to work our way into Storm Bay against a headwind but at least we had some wind to sail with and the swell was not as bad as I was expecting. So overnight I cheered up considerably. Today winds have been light and fickle. I resorted to motoring a couple of times, however; we did manage to sail most of the way up the Derwent River and have now (17.00) picked up a vacant mooring in Sandy Bay for the night. Tomorrow we will go alongside Derwent Yacht Club marina for a few days to clean up and store ship. After that we will likely go to anchor somewhere to await Mark Sinclair’s arrival, whenever that might be. Which reminds me, we saw one of the GGR contestants departing the Derwent River as we were entering, Istvar Kopar in Puffin, which was a bit of a thrill. I will post some photos later. All is well.