
Noon Position: 42 34.3 N 067 19.2 W Course: 090, Speed: 4 knots Wind: Northeast 8 knots Daily Run: 62 miles Average speed: 2.6 knots A glance at the figure for our day’s run sums up the
last 24 hours, slow. Not that slow doesn’t have its own rewards,
calm peaceful conditions make it easy to cook, sleep, read and stay dry.
The terns continue to wheel and glide around the boat, but the dolphins it
seems are rather aloof in this part of the world, swimming past us, rarely coming
over to say hello, maybe we are just too slow to play with. This morning
a young gull landed near the boat and managed to keep up with us with an easy
paddle, it’s dark eyes expecting something, probably a fish of which I
had none to give, certainly a piece of bread I tossed was closely inspected and
then rejected as inedible. This afternoon the wind has shifted into the northeast,
still light, but we are sailing. It is so quiet you can hear the
tide turn. Here at the mouth of the The forecast promises us a fresh south-westerly later today
so hopefully we will start to reel off some miles tomorrow. |