Snellings Beach

Position: 35 39.86 S 137
04.37 E We arrived in Emu Bay yesterday evening at 1925 and anchored on the eastern side of the bay which provides the best shelter from the SE'ly breeze. This morning, at 0910, after my mandatory jog and swim, and of course breakfast, we got underway in a moderate SE breeze. My plan was to make for Stokes Bay which I had recently read in the media had received an award as one of Australia's best beaches, so I was keen to look it over. Unfortunately this was not to be, for as we sailed along KI's northern coastline the wind backed into the east and then north-east, presumably funnelling through Investigator Strait. This left Stokes Bay very exposed, with a lee shore and waves setting straight into it. Disappointed, we continued heading west. The next option was Snellings Beach which, according to the cruising guide by Graham Scarce, offers some protection from the NE if one anchors well over to the eastern side of the bay, tucking in behind a small reef that extends northwards of its eastern shore. As we were approaching I noticed another sailing vessel closing the bay from the NW, presumably they had sailed across Investigator Strait from York Peninsular. Not having been into Snellings Beach before I did not know whether there was sufficient room for two boats to obtain shelter from the NE breeze so I watched the other boat's movements closely to see who would arrive first. I am glad to say the we arrived first, without in any way being rude by barging in front of them. We have duly come to anchor in four meters of water over a sandy bottom, so the holding should be good. And the other boat, a 30 meter Bavaria named Samphire, followed us in and has found a spot to anchor just to the west of us. I am glad there is room for two. Scarce reckons that sharks frequent Snellings Beach and does not recommend swimming here, though I can see several people swimming off the beach. Hopefully the breeze will die down later this evening in which case I might go for a stroll ashore. All is well. |