Light & Variable

Noon Position: 37 46.7 S 149 40.5 E Yesterday afternoon the wind eased as expected so, rather than swing around at anchor, I decided to weigh and get out to sea to be in a good position for when the northerly arrived later in the evening. Once outside of Twofold Bay, around 17.30, there was no wind at all and a short sea was still running from the previous few days of strong south-westerly winds. This made for some rather unpleasant bouncing around and I resorted to motoring for an hour or so to keep Sylph bow into the sea until some wind arrived. At 19.20 some wind at last arrived and it was with some relief that I poled the jib out to starboard and shut down the engine allowing Sylph to run before the light north west breeze while still punching into a short head sea. Once past Green Cape conditions settled a little, the wind filled in a little more and the seas lengthened to a smooth southerly swell. As we passed Gabo Island at two in the morning, we had a couple of small craft in company, one sailing yacht and what I presume was a motor yacht. They were heading in the same general direction so this had me having to keep an eye on them for a while, but they had soon overtaken us so I could then relax a little and get some sleep. This morning the wind has been light and fickle which has been a little frustrating, but for now the wind has steadied in the north east and the jib is once more poled out to starboard ad we are running wing on wing before it. A change is due through later this afternoon which will bring fresh headwinds for a day or more. I suspect getting to Adelaide before the 26th is going to be a bit of a challenge. All is well. |