Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 3 Nov 2010 00:08

At anchor Bahia Cumberland, Robinson Crusoe Island
Wind South, gusty
Weather: Partly cloudy, mild

I have spent most of the day on board to keep an eye on BC and to await news via email from BC’s veterinarian back in the US. We have him on some antibiotics but Dr Reed clearly saw the need for an SQ drip. I had nothing suitable on board so later in the day went ashore for a leg stretch and to see what assistance I might find. I went to the post office to obtain a map of the island and as the post master spoke reasonable English I explained my problem to him and asked him whether there was a vet or someone else who might be able to help. He said there was no vet on the island but I could go to the hospital with him, and then grabbed hold of a tall young fellow walking past who spoke excellent English. He explained my story to him. The young man's name was Allen, I later found out he runs a diving team and is in charge of cleaning up the bay. (I will write more of his activities another time. He very kindly took me up to the hospital where we spoke with the nurse who agreed to have a look at Bob Cat to see if she could give him an I.V. drip. Allen than walked back to where the dinghy was drawn up on the stony beach with me and waited there while I went to fetch BC. With BC ensconced placidly in his carry basket I rowed him ashore and Allen and I walked back to the hospital where the nurse, Daniela, took him into her consulting room. We laid him on her couch and she attempted to place a needle into a vein into one of his forelegs, but not being an animal nurse was unsuccessful. She tried three needles and both fore legs, while Allen held BC steady, shaved his leg when needed and generally kept him calm. Daniela then tried to get BC to drink some of the saline solution with the help of a syringe. But it became increasingly clear to me that we were not really getting anywhere and were only making BC, and me for that matter, very uncomfortable. I intervened and said that I really think we need to let old BC go. Daniela was very understanding and very kindly gave me some I.V. solution and a couple of syringes to take back to the boat to see if I could get BC to drink some fluids. I have given him a little already but really feel I am just dragging things out. I am so very sad to see this beautiful old cat fading away. Peace my friend.
What else can I say.

All is well.

Bob Cat:

…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



Alexander Selkirk was landed on Isla Robinson Crusoe in 1705 and lived alone for 4 years before being rescued. Daniel

Defoe based his classical story Robinson Crusoe on this episode.