Heading South

2000 Position: 34 01.6 S 151 20.1
E This morning I brought Sylph alongside the RANSA dock where I met Ada who helped me change the headsail from the genoa (which we had used for the Great Veterans Race) back to the smaller working jib, a much more versatile sail for offshore passaging. Then we lashed the dinghy on deck, topped up the water tanks, did some last minute shopping and, after lunch, Ada cast off Sylph's docklines and we (Oli, me and Sylph) were once more away. My original intention was to proceed to Quarantine Bay for the night but it was such a nice day, with the sun shining and a light SE'ly breeze blowing, and as the forecast was for light to moderate winds overnight, albeit headwinds, I decided to poke our bow out the Heads and,if the conditions looked favourable to keep on going. This proved to be the case, with a light breeze, smooth seas and a low even swell. We put in a few tacks to work our way offshore so that we could clear Cape Bailey which is now behind us. Now we continue close hauled on the port tack which we will likely remain on for the rest of the night. Tomorrow's forecast is for light and variable winds, so it might be a bit of a drifter, or will require bit of motoring if we want to make any progress. The longer range forecast is for fresh to strong S'lies on Friday so we will aim to have found a nice sheltered harbour by then. Where exactly that might be we will be determined by how far we can get over the next two days. All is well. |