Departed Isle of Man
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 16 Jul 2009 14:44
Course north nor'west Speed: 4 knots
Wind: Southwest, light
Weather: partly cloudy, mild Sea: slight
Skipper Bob:
Yesterday afternoon, now having someone other than Bob Cat to consult with, Thomas and I explored options for where to next, we pored over charts, tide tables and various guides and listened closely to the weather forecasts coming over the VHF radio. After much deliberation and several iterations of tidal calculations we came to the conclusion, keen to be on our way, that a midnght departure should have us in the North Channel in time for the ebbing tide in our favour, then from there we would make our way up the Firth of Clyde with a view to transiting the Crinan Canal, providing a short cut across the Kintyre Peninsular (and the Mull of Kintyre). Thomas's "Moon" guide waxes rather lyrical about the countryside round about, in particular the Knapdale Forest, so we figured this has to be the way to go. Also strong northerlies are forecast for later today so we are hoping to be able to find some shelter up the Firth rather than be stuck out in the strong tidal streams of the North Channel between Northern Ireland and Scotland. Beyond the Crinan Canal lies the island of Jura where George Orwell wrote "1984", also home of the world's third largest whirlpool, the Corrywrecken, if possible we will observe it from a safe vantage point ashore.
So this is the plan, and like all good plans it has had to be adapted right from the start; the wind was very light last night after we slipped the mooring such that we have arrived at the Northern Channel with the tide against us and our progress towards the Firth of Clyde very slow. Such are the nature of adventures.
Bob Cat:
I have waited and things have unfolded, the new human, the third hand, seems as insensible to my anguished midnight wails as skipper Bob, the food remains the usual unending supply of hardtack, there is perhaps a marginal increase in pats. But always one to look for the positive, my professional pursuits remain largely uninterrupted, speaking of which . Zzzzzzzz.