Bobbing Up and Down

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 16 Dec 2024 02:08

Noon Position: 37 25.7 S 139 36.4 E
Course: NW Speed: 1.5 knots
Wind: SW, F2 - light air
Sea: slight Swell: SW 0.5 meters
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's run: 117 nm

So far all is going pretty much according to plan.

We continued running before a light breeze until 2300 when the wind backed into the NE. I had handed the spinnaker some time before, an hour before sunset, and poled the jib out in its place as I did not want to be dealing with getting the spinnaker down in the dark, though we have a nice full moon at the moment which makes sail handling at night a lot easier. Once the wind shifted into the NE, I dropped the pole and we enjoyed a pleasant night, beam reaching relatively close to the coast, and continued to make good time.

This morning the fresh N'ly kicked in ahead of the SW'ly change. I reduced down to a reef in the main and a partially furled jib as Sylph punched into the short sea that quickly built up. Now, unexpectedly, the wind has dropped out and we have the code zero set once again. Sylph is bobbing up and down making slow progress in the short sea that remains after the fresh N'ly breeze.

The forecast is for the wind to strengthen later this afternoon so I am confident we will not be bobbing up and down going nowhere for very long.

All is well.