North Pacific Voyage Complete

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 5 Jun 2016 09:22
Alongside RANSA, Rushcutters Bay
Wind: North East, F6-8 strong breeze to fresh gale
Sea: slight Swell: Nil
Weather: overcast, rain
After settling to anchor in Spring Cove I checked my emails and found I had
received one from Australian Border Force directing me to proceed alongside
their facility in Neutral Bay. Consequently, at 22.10, I weighed anchor and
motored in the windy drizzle to Neutral Bay. I did not know where in Neutral
Bay their facility was nor what it looked like but presumed I would be able
to recognise it when I saw it. It in fact took me quite a while to work out
where it was as the ‘facility’ has no markings nor anything particularly
distinctive about it. I recognised it by its rather nondescript drab
government looking buildings and it being the only waterfront property with wharfage
that did not look either private or commercial. The wharf was not designed
for small craft but I managed to tie Sylph up alongside a large black fender
and clambered ashore to find a sign on a door that confirmed the premises as
belonging to the ABF. Satisfied, I turned in for the night at 01.00.
At 07.00 I was awoken from my slumbers by some hails from the wharf – ABF
officers. Everyone turned out to be very friendly, helpful and professional.
While I filled in the paperwork in a shed ashore, other officers searched my
boat with the assistance of a very lively and happy looking black Labrador
cross. Once the drug search was concluded to the dog’s satisfaction it was
Quarantine's turn. The confiscated my remaining one and a half onions and
some unpopped pop corn, and relieved me of my rubbish plus $500, then gave
me my clearance and departed.
With the entry formalities completed, we subsequently departed from Neutral
Bay and proceeded to Rushcutters Bay to tie up alongside my sailing club’s
dock. By this stage the wind was picking up and the rain was growing
heavier. It would normally have been a racing day but with a gale warning
extant the racing had been cancelled and the club was almost bare. Despite
this, or perhaps because those that were there were not preoccupied with
their usual racing activities, I was given a warm welcome, and I was
especially privileged to be later met by my friend Kate. Thank you.
This entry officially concludes Sylph’s North Pacific voyage. Where next? … watch this space, though you may have to be patient as Sylph and her
crew are in need of some ongoing maintenance.
All is well