Fog and Calms
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 17 Jun 2008 16:18
Wind: Southeast, gentle breeze
Weather: Cloudy with patches of sun, visibility good, mild
Day's Run: 15 nm
It's proving slow going, this last bit to St Johns. I am reading a book
about the Vikings at the moment, "Vikings, The North Atlantic Saga", it
seems they had the same problems, fog and calms. I haven't included a
position for today because it is little different from yesterday. We
drifted overnight and this morning we were very close to Cape Pine and there
was a risk we were going to drift into the buoy guarding its southern point,
so I started the engine and motored for an hour to get clear of the shoals
and into open water. Fortuitously we have also cleared the fog bank which
seem to perpetually enshroud the coastline here and have found at least
sufficient breeze to fill the drifter and give us steerage way. We continue
towards Cape Race, now only 12 miles away, hopefully we might manage to get
around before the end of the day. Winds are forecast from the northeast but
are actually coming from the southwest, a better direction but very light, I
expect they will probably remain light and fickle for another day or so. We
will see what today's forecast brings.
Bob Cat has bounced back after yesterday's ordeal; eating, always a good
sign, and is currently sitting between me and the keyboard trying to get me
to pat him.
Bob Cat:
All is well.
Happy Birthday Jenny. (from two Bobs on a boat)