Hilo or Honolulu?

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 18 Feb 2016 22:17
Course: West Speed: 6.5 knots
Wind: North nor' east, F3 gentle breeze
Sea: moderate Swell: north east 2 meter
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's run: 158 nm
The wind has abated and the sun is shining. It is a nice day, all plain sail set.
We continue to make good time towards Hawaii, but this morning I was just checking the entry requirements when I realised that the animal quarantine facility is located in Honolulu. Of course it is, how silly of me not to have realised this sooner. There are some good reasons to make Hilo the first port of entry, not least of which is because it is the closest, and also I hear it is very 'tranquilo'. Honolulu on the other hand is going to be a big busy city, not the reason one gets in a small boat and sails off over the horizon, quite the opposite. Not to worry (a favourite expression of mine it seems), I will work it out, but I suspect we have some extra miles to sail before we clear in to Hawaii.
All is well.