Waiting for the Tide

137 48.4E As we approached Kingscote yesterday evening, the wind had a fair bit of south in it. We sailed over to the Kingscote anchorage but conditions were very choppy and would have made for a very uncomfortable evening, and the dinghy row ashore would likely have been wet and hazardous. Consequently we headed for the Beatrice Islets to seek shelter from the seas behind the extensive shallows that wrap around Kingscote Harbour. Here we came to anchor in four meters of water at 1836 where we enjoyed a peaceful night. This morning we made American River our goal for the day with a view to buying a beer at the local “Shed” in the evening. We sailed from anchor and once clear of the shoals worked our way against the SE wind to Eastern Cove. We attempted to enter American River a short while ago but the tide was out and when the depth sounder showed 1.9 meters, leaving only 10 cm below the keel, I aborted the run in and headed back out into deeper water. We are now drifting around in Eastern Cove waiting for the tide to come in. I reckon we will make another attempt at around 1500. Hopefully that will give us enough water to clear the sand bars at the river’s entrance such that we can be safely at anchor and ashore when The Shed opens. All is well. |