Transiting Backstairs Passage
Noon Position: 35 42.1 S 138 10.2
E We have had a pretty good run all things considered, making good close to a hundred miles since noon yesterday despite light and variable conditions, though we have resorted to the BRM for several hours when the wind faded to near nothing. We are currently motor-sailing with the full main, the code zero and the engine at 1500 rpm, with just enough of a light N'ly breeze to keep the sails drawing. I am hoping that once we pass Cape Jervis that we will get a bit more breeze, albeit a head wind, and will be able to shut the motor down. Also, with Kangaroo Island to the south of us we can expect to escape the swell which will allow us to maintain steerage way under sail alone with less wind than when Sylph is stable rather than constantly rolling. Given our good progress overnight I am now reasonably confident that we should make Adelaide sometime tomorrow. All is well. |