Wedge Bay

Position: 43 06.67 S 147 43.96
E There has been a slight change of plan since yesterday. I have decided against going through Denison Canal as the exit into the open ocean is through the winding channel of the Marion Narrows among the shallows of Blackman Bay, then if that is all safely negotiated, one has to cross over a bar across its entrance. I am not confident that I have adequate information to safely negotiate the Narrows nor the bar which, by the time we exit, is likely to have a significant swell breaking on it after several days of strong NE winds. Instead we will go around the outside of Tasman Peninsular. It is a bit further but it is all deep water and less hazardous. With the revised plan in mind, this morning we weighed anchor to the freshening N'ly breeze, and instead of heading further east into Norfolk Bay we have run south before the wind to Wedge Bay where we have picked up what I presume to be a public mooring off the boat ramp and pontoon at the northern end of White Beach. If the forecast proves correct, then we will leave Wedge Bay around midday on Thursday to make our way around Cape Raoul and Tasman Island, to hopefully pick up a SW change around midnight, then carry that as far north as it allows. All is well. |