Eastern Cove

Noon Position: 35 44.5 S 137 50.4
E We have had a relatively slow but pleasant sail overnight, tacking against a light headwind for the afternoon and early evening, then beam reaching from late in the evening when the breeze filled in from the SE. At 0200 the breeze faded and our speed dropped down to an average of two knots. Despite the light winds we have now made it to Eastern Cove with only three miles to go to the entrance to American River. Our ETA at the entrance is 1330 but low water was at 1152, so we probably won't have enough water to get over the shallows into the river at that time. Consequently I am not in a hurry to get to get there; rather, I will aim to arrive later in the afternoon when the tide is a little higher and will be making, so that if we do touch bottom we will be able to float off - at least that is the theory. If all goes according to plan then we will be at anchor and settled well before sunset and with luck will be able to get ashore to catch up with nieces, Kaylah and Ella. All is well. |