Getting Ready to Go
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 4 Mar 2015 00:30
Last week I completed my online studies and now, as winter draws to a
close, I can start getting Sylph ready for sea again, and put some attention
back into Sylph’s blog.
I have a few chores to attend to. The engine throttle cable is very
stiff and may need replacing, and the engine wiring continues to be
unreliable. Yesterday I pulled the throttle cable out and have been
lubricating it with light oil. It has loosened up a lot. Tomorrow I
will try refitting it and see if it works OK. I also cleaned the
connectors in the wiring loom between the engine panel and the engine, yet once
again. The engine now starts, the gauges and warning lights all seem OK,
but the shut down solenoid still does not work. I will have another look
at this tomorrow as well.
It hasn’t been all work and no play over winter. I have made a few
friends and shared some good times while here. The highlight of Cordova’s
winter season is the Ice Worm Festival held in the first week of February.
The festival is a tradition that was introduced to Cordova back in 1961 and has
been a regular event ever since. For me, the best part of the festival was
the survival swim race, where teams of four people have to run down the dock,
don survival suits, then jump in the water and swim about fifty meters to a life
raft. There are two awards, one for the fastest time and one for the best
artistic display. The artistic award is judged by the Ice Worm Queen and
this year was won by the Ninjas, though the Pirates gave them some stiff
competition. (See photos posted separately.)
The ice worm is reported to be a creature that lives in the ice and its
eggs hatch when the ice thaws out sufficiently. However, I regret to say
that due to climate change effects in this part of the world the ice worm may be
soon on the endangered species list. I was rather looking forward to
experiencing an Alaskan winter, but, while cold, by Alaskan standards it was
pretty mild and there has been very little snow. I am told that
major snow falls have occurred in March and April in previous years, but I am
very sceptical that we will see much more snow, if any, for what remains of
Some NOAA climate change scientist have hypothesised that the reduced
Arctic icecap has caused the jet stream to weaken, which has led to a
“ridiculously resilient ridge” on the west coast of North America, and a
“terribly tenacious trough” on the east coast. The ridge and trough have
in turn led to warmer and colder conditions than usual on their respective sides
of the continent. (BTW, I am not responsible for the technical jargon
quoted above – blame the scientists.) Paradoxically, a consequence of the
mild winters is that Cordova’s water supply is at risk. While it has
rained heavily over winter, this apparently just causes turgid rivers and makes
the water undrinkable, so it cannot be captured in the reservoirs. Rather,
the reservoirs rely on the spring snow melt, but there is no snow, so the
reservoirs are very low. The lack of water also means that the
hydropower station is inoperative, and the town has to rely on diesel generated
power instead. All a bit of a vicious circle really.
On the bright side, the crew of Sylph are in good spirits. We are
looking forward to getting sailing again (or at least I am). Meanwhile RC
is starting to patrol the docks now that the weather is warming up. I
suspect he is not quite as keen to get underway again as the skipper.
All is well.