Day 175 – Jumping the Gun

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 6 Jun 2022 08:05
Course: E Speed: 2 knots
Wind: S Force 6
Sea: moderate Swell: SW 2 m
Weather: mostly sunny, cool
Day’s Run: 81 nm
I must be offering my libations to the wrong weather god. Yesterday I received word from the effing Ineffable that I had “jumped the gun” with respect to my hopes that we had at last found more favourable winds. It would seem the low pressure cell that has formed to the east of us is going to remain roughly in the same position until Saturday, moving only slowly off to the east and dissipating. And then another low will be forming on Sunday, also to the east of us.
With the information that I had yesterday, I saw little point in continuing east and closing the low with stronger contrary winds the closer we got. So I opted to effectively heave to under double-reefed main. Winds are expected to strengthen further this afternoon then gradually back and ease into the east by tomorrow morning. My plan is to essentially hold my current position until the winds back into the east, then set a bit more sail, tack and continue south to find these elusive westerlies.
For now the conditions are not too bad and Sylph’s motion is reasonably comfortable. We have the company of albatross, shearwaters and petrels. The sun is shining and the sky is blue.
All is well.