
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 11 Oct 2009 12:37
Course: South sou' west, Speed 1.5 knots
Wind: Northeast, light air
Weather: Partly cloudy, warm
Day's Run: 91
This is really frustrating! We got off to a flying start with a nice fresh following breeze but overnight the wind gradually faded and has left us once more wallowing in residual sloppy seas - truly enough to stretch any mortals mental equanimity, and I am the most mortal of mortals.
And the novel I am reading is trying my patience as well, so not a good combination. Why is it that literary critics love the most boring, long winded, slow moving rubbish. Proust will change your life, so I have read. I really can't see it but I persist. Like my circumnavigation, I hate starting something and not finishing it.
All is well.
Bob Cat:
Last night was very uncomfortable to say the least. We were rolling around all over the place, it was warm and stuffy and it was very difficult to find a comfortable place to sleep. I tried the V-berth, that was moving around way too much and with the fore hatch closed is very stuffy in warm conditions. I tried the settee berth, I had to share that with the skipper and he was up and down all the time and it was also too warm. So I ended up having to make do on the dinette settee, not ideal as I had to spread my paws to keep a good grip not to slide off. And the noise was not very conducive to my vocation either, things rattling around and waves thumping against the boat. A most unsatisfactory night. The skipper has vacated the settee berth so catching up a bit now . . . . Zzzzzzz.