More BOI

Position: 35
11.11 S 174 04.62 E Since our last report we have returned to Russell for a few supplies and then yesterday made our way to the Te Pahi Island group, recommended by Jon and Barbara of New Zealand Maid. It is all very relaxing but it is getting time to move on from this idyllic locale. To that end we have booked a yard, Docklands 5, in Whangarei to haul Sylph out early next month. Here we will give her a major refit primarily to deal with pockets of rust in various inaccessible parts of the interior. We will likely head back to Opua to top up water over the weekend and then head south on Monday. I am expecting several months of hard work but it will be good to feel confident that Sylph will be well prepared for further adventures ahead. All is well.
Te Pahi Islands:
So close ... :