Fickle Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 25 Aug 2024 03:35

Noon position: 19 57.9 S 148 20.9 E
Course: WNW Speed 3.7 knots
Wind: F0 - calm
Sea: calm Swell: SE 0.5 m
Weather sunny, warm
Day's run: 8 miles

Once again dawn brought a light SW breeze which raised a slight popple of a sea and made for a lee shore, but certainly nothing to worry about. The forecast was for the regular trade wind - SE at 10 to 15 knots - so, at 0915, after a relaxing breakfast, I got the anchor in, raised the mainsail and sailed away to the NW.

Initially I set the jib but as we cleared the shore of Gloucester Island the wind backed into the south - perfect for a spinnaker run. I dragged the spinnaker out of the V-berth through the fore hatch (conditions are light enough not to have to dog the hatch down at sea), rolled up the jib and hoisted the spinnaker.

We carried the spinnaker until we had rounded Middle Island, a distance of a bit over five miles, when the wind veered back into the SW. I dropped the spinnaker and hoisted the code zero in its place. This carried us for another couple of miles but then the wind faded out completely so now I have handed the code zero and flashed up the BRM (it still has a fair bit of red paint on it). Hopefully the wind will fill in as we get further clear of Gloucester Island and the afternoon progresses.

I was hoping to get to Cape Upstart and anchor in Upstart Bay before sunset but with the light winds we will not get there until well after dark. There are no good anchorages between here and Upstart Bay so I may well just continue sailing overnight, provided the wind makes an appearance, and make straight for Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Island.

All is well.