Long Range Comms

Alongside RSAYS Marina Preparations for the next voyage continue. This week we took delivery of an SSB radio courtesy of sailing friend and Ham radio operator, Wayne from Tasmania. Wayne has been extremely helpful in advising me on setting up the new long range radio communications. Thank you Wayne. Also in the communications line, this week I purchased a ‘new’ second hand Iridium satellite phone on Gumtree. My 9555, while still working, has some issues so a replacement seemed in order. This one is the ‘Extreme’ model, a ruggedised version of the Iridium satellite phone with a few additional features such as built-in GPS tracking and an SOS button. I will likely make the ‘Extreme’ as my primary satellite phone and keep the 9555 as a back up. The plan is to have both the SSB and the satphone operational for the first week in November when my brother, John, and I are planning a trip to Whyalla where we lived for several years when growing up. This short trip, as well as hopefully being fun and something of a nostalgic voyage into our shared past, will also provide a good opportunity for a shake down for the future voyage, to ensure everything is working as it should. Meanwhile other tasks, such as storing ship, repairing and improving the series drogue, and getting permission from the Department of Agriculture to allow Oli to remain on board as the ship’s cat, continue. And Bravo Sails is making some new storm sails, a boom bag come rain catcher, and new spray cloths. Lots to do. All is well. |