Sunday 7 September – Cutting Out Rust

Ashore at Raibow Boat Yard, Seward It has been a busy day on the hard cutting out the wasted metal from Sylph's hull. She now has two rather large holes in her bottom. I have never cut such big holes in her before, but this is mainly because I am now a bit more confident in being more aggressive with cutting out rust. I have worked out that it is better to try and get rid of as much thin metal as possible as in the long run this will mean less work, and I am hoping that there are still quite a few sailing days left in Sylph and me yet, and hopefully for Sylph and someone else eventually. There is still some more rust to cut out, but that is above the water line and not so urgent. Nonetheless I intend to try and fix both these problems as well. The weather today has been excellent, warm and sunny, so making the most of it while it lasts. I will try and post some photos in the next day or so. All is well. |