Rafted Up
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 21 Jan 2010 00:15
Wind: West, F4 moderate breeze
Weather: cloudy, warm.
The last couple of days I have been busy with odds and sods. I have replaced
the engine battery, hopefully this will keep us out of trouble for a while,
done the laundry and had the netbook looked at - regrettably with no
success. Yesterday afternoon when I came back to the boat I found a large
green yacht tied up to the mooring off the Club Nautico. It was Jenny, a
yacht I had made the acquaintance of while in Mar del Plata. Also when I
returned on board I was told that a large container ship was due to come
alongside in the evening so we were going to have to move. The skipper of
Jenny, Jan, agreed to allow me to raft Sylph up alongside which is where we
now are (though after the last bullet of wind that just came through Jan maybe regretting his courtesy). This in turn led to an invitation to dinner with Jenny's crew last night which was a nice opportunity to socialize and talk about many things, nautical and other.
Tomorrow I plan to store ship and then when the weather looks favourable
continue on our way.
All is well.
Bob Cat:
There is a nice big comfortable looking boat next to us. I bet she doesn't
have any drips over any of her bunks. I wonder if they need a ship's cat?
But no, I am a cat of my word, a feline of integrity, for Mary's sake I will continue to keep an eye on the skipper. A full time job, on call 24 hours a day, for which I need to be well rested . . . Zzzzzzz.