Horseshoe Bay, Magnetic Island

Position: 19 06.74 S 146 51.45 E The wind filled in from east shortly after posting yesterday's blog entry which had us broad reaching on the starboard tack with the code zero set. As the afternoon progressed, the wind veered into the SE allowing us to run wing-on-wing with the jib poled out to starboard. Shortly after sunset the wind backed into the ENE and freshened slightly so down pole and beam reaching with jib and main. At 2000 we passed Cape Upstart. I briefly considered going to anchor but it hardly seemed worth the trouble. By the time I would have had Sylph secured it would have been close to midnight. No, I thought, it will be easier to continue on and catch up on some sleep when we get to Magnetic Island. Thus on we went. Overnight the wind continued to shift about between east and south, no doubt effected by the topography of the various bays and headlands along the coast. At 0800 we were passing our final headland, Cape Cleveland, from where it was a short reach across Cleveland Bay to Magnetic Island. We rounded the NE corner of the island at 0900, came onto a close reach then, once past the headland sheltering the bay from the trade winds, we tightened sheets further, and worked our way close hauled through some of the many boats at anchor and moored within this popular bay. At 1009 I rolled up the jib, motored about 200 meters closer to the beach, rounded into the wind, dropped the main and let go the anchor in four meters of brown water. My plan is to remain here for the rest of today and tomorrow and on Wednesday move into Breakwater Marina where we will stay for two weeks. As well as catching up with family, some friends from the Royal SA Yacht Squadron will be arriving on the weekend to participate in the Townsville Yacht Club's GaLS (Girl and Lady Sailors) Regatta, so it could be a busy time in Townsville. All is well. |