Fetching Water
At anchor Blackwattle Bay While Blackwattle Bay is in the heart of the city and convenient to many of its services, there are a couple of services that are not so conveniently provided for. One is rubbish disposal, particularly recyclable rubbish, and the other is water. On the former, I try to recycle where I can but unfortunately where I cannot I have to grit my teeth and throw all the hard plastic and metal into the general rubbish bins, usually having to squeeze it into the small diameter opening of a public bin. On the latter, yesterday I purchased a multi-purpose tap handle from a well-known large hardware store that fits all those taps without handles that live in public parks and other such spaces, of which there are quite a few near where we are anchored. So this has helped to make water replenishment much easier. Normally when at anchor I just fill up two ten litre containers with water once or twice each day and thus over the course of several days Sylph's water tanks are filled with minimal fuss. I am sure that this little tool will more than earn its keep in Sylph's toolbox. Another job I have completed while at anchor is making a new cover for the wind vane. This time I have made it out of a light-weight acrylic canvas rather than the usual rip-stop nylon. While rip-stop nylon is significantly lighter than acrylic canvas, it is not at all UV resistant so has a life of only about two years at best, while acrylic fabric is very good in the UV resistant department. And I don't think the extra weight of the acrylic fabric will effect the vane's performance in any noticeable way. We will find out soon enough. And of course I have been catching up with friends while in Sydney. At this stage, Wednesday or Thursday is looking good for continuing south. All is well. |