Day 73 – Blue Sky and Laundry

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 24 Feb 2022 14:56
Course: ENE Speed: 6 knots
Wind: SW, F4 Sea: slight
Swell: SW 2 meters
Weather: mostly sunny, mild
Day’s Run: 146nm
Yesterday afternoon the wind veered into the NW with a falling barometer. I dropped the pole and we reached to the ENE. Towards midnight the wind freshened and I reduced sail to two reefs in the main and 60% jib. At 0300 a change came through, a weak front, with the wind backing into the SW and bringing some rain. We gybed and set the pole to starboard, now running again with the wind broad off the starboard quarter. With a steady drizzle falling, before returning below I rigged the rain catcher under the gooseneck.
This morning I arose to a blue sky and sunshine (though now at midday as I write the sky once again grows overcast and rain threatens). I shook out a reef and unrolled the jib. The rain catcher had collected 10 litres of clean fresh drinking water. I had also done some laundry the previous day, washed and rinsed out in sea water and left hung out to dry in the aft end of the cockpit. I was wondering how I was gong to get the salt out of the pillowslip, but the problem has now been solved and I have a nice clean fresh pillowslip – luxury!
Today we pass the half way mark between Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope.
All is well.