All Quiet

At anchor Grassie Harbour I have discovered a new literary critic, Frank Kermode, who is very interesting, reading amongst other things ('inter alia' if you want to be high browed – not sure why anyone would want to use this _expression_ especially given Wilfred Owen's excellent essay on the concise rules of writing), his book “Shakespeare's Language”. I am a little overawed by the level of scholarship. He also writes the introduction to Ian Watt's “Essays on Conrad”, one of my favourite authors. I haven't a copy of this book yet, it also sounds very interesting. Ian Watt was a prisoner of war who worked on the bridge over the River Kwai and I suspect will speak with exceptional authority on Conrad's works. He wrote an essay '“The Bridge over the River Kwai” as Myth' which is something I am also looking forward to reading, something about the way we create myth in our culture to suit our needs, as opposed to dealing with reality. This is the link to Conrad's works, his connection to the reality of the world and our interactions with it. Hmm!? Patience. All is well. |