Emu Bay

Position: 35 34.95 S 137 32.96 E I arose at 0600. As hoped, the wind was light and the tide was full, approaching slack high water. Conditions were perfect for getting off the wharf and out to sea. I managed to brew my essential first cup of tea for the morning as we navigated out of the channel and at 0652 we were clear of its shallows. We turned into the wind, set the main, then bore away to the N, setting the jib as we did so. At 0715 we were abeam Ballast Head, the western end of Eastern Cove, and we were able to bear further off to the NW putting the wind fine of the starboard quarter. I poled the jib out to starboard and we settled down for a pleasant morning sail to Emu Bay. Two hours later we rounded Marsden Point, altering course to the west, which involved dropping the pole and gybing the mainsail over. Then it was a short beam reach to the eastern end of Emu Bay where we came onto the wind and closed the beach. At 1130, I rolled up the jib, and two minutes later once again rounded up into the wind, this time to drop the mainsail and let go the anchor in six meters of water over a clear sandy patch. We will stay here tonight and then tomorrow start making our way back to Adelaide, likely stopping somewhere along the eastern shore of the Gulf of St Vincent so I can get a full night sleep, at least as much as Oli will allow me, and we are in no hurry to get back to the city. But for now we will relax and enjoy the seclusion and beauty of Emu Bay. All is well. |