Arrived Twofold Bay
Position: 37 04.31 S 149 54.02 E We experienced a variety of conditions overnight, including a bit of a trough that brought some brisk headwinds and a short choppy sea. However, on the other side of the narrow band of clouds the sky cleared and the seas became more regular, but the wind stayed in the south-west. This required us to remain close hauled, heeled over and punching into a small sea. Later in the evening the wind backed into the north west, as forecast, which allowed us to close the coast and find smoother seas. Come midnight we were approaching Lennard’s Island, about five miles north of Eden. We eased sheets onto a beam reach and coasted in the lightening air. The last few miles had us tacking into Twofold Bay with little more than a zephyr. The sky was clear, the sea smooth and the stars bright overhead, the crescent moon having set several hours before - all far too peaceful to contemplate kicking the BRM into life. We ghosted into Snug Cove, following the leads into five meters of water where I cast Sylph’s head off to starboard to clear the channel, then dropped anchor and handed sail, once again snug in Snug Cove, the time 04.38. All is well. |