Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 15 Aug 2009 11:00
Course: ? Speed: 0 knots
Wind: Nil
Weather: Sunny
Day's run: 18
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.
Bob Cat, you haven't been having a go at any albatross lately have you? I guess there are no albatross in this part of the world, but we haven't had any wind now for about 36 hours and it doesn't look to change anytime soon. One good thing, I got another good night's sleep last night, but would rather be at anchor somewhere, I had hoped to be off Alderney Island by now. Not to waste an opportunity, this morning I broke out the swim ladder and dive mask, jumped over the side for a refreshing dip, had a quick look at Sylph's bottom - pretty clean but the antifouling paint is starting to look patchy so need to haul her for scrub and paint soon. Now I can say I have swum the English Channel, in it, not across it; a bit cold for me.
A few puffs rippled patches of the sea surface an hour ago, cat's paws, and I hopefully thought here is some wind at last, but no, it disappeared moments later and we are back to glass. All my forecasts are saying we should be having west to southwest winds, about 10 - 15 knots, headwinds, but headwinds are better then no wind.
Some wind will come soon enough and then no doubt I will be wishing for less of it. So in the meantime we shall make the most of what we have, get a few jobs done that can't normally be done at sea.
Now it is time for lunch.
All is well.
Bob Cat:
Elbuort is making himself scarce for now, perhaps he has little critical appreciation in the finer points of English literature and is avoiding me for now. Fine by me. Enjoyed a spot of sun on the patio this morning. Very nice, should be more of it. More .. Zzzzzzz.