Fickle Winds
Noon Position: 38 46.3 S 143 04.4 E Given the forecast, last night’s run was definitely on the disappointing side. We enjoyed a light but fair breeze during the afternoon that strengthened as the evening wore on. We rounded Cape Otway at 0200 and I was expecting the wind to remain fresh from the east but instead an hour or so later it died away to almost nothing which had us drifting until ten when the wind veered into the north east and picked up to a fresh breeze requiring a reef in the main and couple of rolls in the jib. The wind has since eased and we are once more close hauled under full sail. Port Fairy is forty miles ahead. A front will pass through around 2000. I would liked to have been in harbour before it passes through but unfortunately we will likely not make Port Fairy until the small hours of tomorrow so I will be keeping a sharp eye out to weather to ensure that we are reefed down in good time. In the meantime, the sun is shining and the breeze is warm. All is well. |