Light Headwinds and Cray Pots

Noon Position: 37 55.9 S 140 18.1 E It has been mostly pleasant sailing since departing Robe. The winds have been light, overnight very light, which has made progress slow, and early this morning it was calm. A two meter swell is running so we need at least five knots of breeze to keep the sails drawing. I had to hand sail in the period of calm to reduce wear and tear on the sails. Fortunately the calm did not last long and thirty minutes later sails were back up and we were making a satisfactory 3½ knots. We are currently off Port MacDonnel, a crayfish port. Lots of cray pots are about with strings of white polystyrene buoys attached. While Sylph’s underwater shape generally allows lines to slip underneath without getting caught on anything, lines can occasionally foul the windvane rudder. Consequently, I try to steer clear of fishing floats, which in turn means keeping a good lookout - so I had best get back on deck. All is well. |