Weekly Progress Report 8

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 26 Apr 2020 06:30
As with all the other projects tackled in this refit, the V-berth is now
back together but with a few minor chores remaining to finish it off. I figure
all these finishing-off tasks can be done once all the serious work has been
finished. To this end, this last week my main task has been stripping and
refurbishing the alleyway. This is now at the stage of being painted and while I
wait for the ‘Rustbond’ primer to dry I have moved onto removing the starboard
water tank to tackle the hull beneath. I last attended to this part of Sylph six
years ago while in Seward, Alaska, so I was hoping that the hull would be in
reasonable shape. I was to be disappointed. It would seem water has lain trapped
along some of the stringers and the epoxy coating has broken down allowing rust
to develop. So, once more I fired up the pneumatic chisel and de-scaled the hull
revealing one small hole and a moderate amount of pitting. Thus, this coming
week will involve more cutting and welding.
The V-berth almost complete (but now full of stuff removed from the saloon
to allow removal of the starboard water tank):
![]() Hull repairs in the alleyway (and beyond):
![]() The alleyway primed:
![]() The starboard water tank removed:
![]() The hull under where the starboard water tank usually sits:
![]() All is well.