And Another Day in the Bilge

Not so drizzly today so I got a bit of work done outside, but also spent a fair bit of time in the bilge getting a second coat of paint on. When it wasn’t raining I continued sanding the waterline and patching the paint below the waterline. Late in the day I had a go at pulling the pulpit apart to try and repair the wiring to the lower side lights. Not much joy here I am afraid, all I achieved was breaking the wire at both ends, where it enters and exits from the pulpit so goodness knows how I am going to fix this. I will work something out. Went ashore for a burger and a beer to avoid the fumes - at least that is my excuse. All is well. Bob Cat: Toxic fumes regale my nostrils. The skipper abandons ship and leaves me to my fate. I am no miner’s canary. Mind you, I wouldn’t mind a canary or two, miner‘s or otherwise. Best keep the metabolism running low to avoid inhaling too many of these chemicals .. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.