A Long Reach and a Short Punch
Position: 41 37.6 S 072 54.2 WCourse Northeast, speed 3.5 knots Wind: North nor’ west F3-5 gentle to strong breeze Weather: mostly cloudy, occasional drizzle, rain in squalls, cool Day’s Run (so far) 59 nm This morning with what looked like a favourable slant to the wind I decided it was high time we made for Puerto Montt and got stuck into Sylph’s much needed minor refit. We were aweigh by 9, sailed from anchor and up through the pass between Isla Mecheque and Isla Chiloe with the assistance of the making tide, then once clear of the pass and a few shoals that complicated its surrounds we were able to ease sheets a little and make for the entrance of Seno Reloncavi, the large bay in which the port of Montt lies. The breeze was fresh with the occasional squall to add interest and speed us on our way, we made god time, often touching 8 knots or so, and rounded Punta Perhue, the western headland into Seno Reloncavi a little after 3 p.m. Since then it has mostly been a slow slog to windward against a short steep sea, the odd squall keeping me guessing as to whether to keep the reef in or shake it out. Things seemed to have calmed down for the time being so I have taken the reef out, we had been hobby horsing for a while going nowhere so decided we were just going to have to tempt fate and set a bit more sail. The lights of Puerto Montt are shining brightly only a few miles away, I can smell the smoke, so with a little luck we should make it tonight, I might even get a hot shower. All is well. Bob Cat: Movement: unsatisfactory, leaning over too much, thissing and thatting late in the day and jumping around to boot, totally non-conducive to my mission in life. Food: barely satisfactory, I scored some tuna but as well as trying to balance and eat under difficult conditions which makes it impossible to fully appreciate the whole experience and be one with my taste buds, the skipper managed to tread on my tail. I have left some for later when I trust things will have calmed down and I am not likely to suffer bodily harm. This leaves … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |