Mostly Drifting
Noon Position: 37 21.1 S 150 10.0 E The wind gradually eased yesterday afternoon such that by nightfall we resorted to motoring. On the plus side, the mirror smooth sea lit up the bioluminescence, an iridescent blue-green as Sylph’s bow wave pushed through ribbons of sparkling water. A light breeze returned at an hour or so later, so we cut the motor and continued sailing. By midnight we were again becalmed, drifting in the vicinity of Gabo Island off the Victorian/New South Wales border. Rather than disturb the serenity of the cool clear night we persisted sailing in the barely perceptible air. With quiet fortitude we inched our way around the small island, averaging less than a knot for the seven hours until dawn. Sine then we have motored a little and sailed a little. Eden still seems quite a way to go. All is well. |