Departed Port Fairy

Position: Just outside Port Fairy The patch of fresh headwinds has passed and the forecast for this evening is a freshening easterly, perfect for heading west. So, at 1645, just as a small fleet of sailing boats entered the river, presumably finishing a race, I started Sylph’s engine, cast off her docklines and headed for sea. Outside the harbour the sea and sky sparkled and once clear of the fairway buoy we rounded into the wind, set sail, shut down the engine and, close hauled on the starboard tack, headed offshore to gain some sea room. At 1800 we tacked and are now heading just south of west sailing full and by* on the port tack. There is quite a swell running so easing the sheets a little allows Sylph to maintain sufficient speed in the light wind to crest them without losing way. The forecast is for fair winds until Monday. We will aim for Robe, 160nm distant, where we will shelter until the winds return to a favourable quadrant, probably late Wednesday. The smell of simmering curry permeates Sylph’s saloon. Time for dinner. All is well. |