Hard Work

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 23 Nov 2008 16:53
Noon Position: 31 59.0 N 062 58.2 W
Course: West Sou'west Speed: 4.5 knots
Wind: West Nor'west, moderate breeze
Weather: overcast, cool.
Day's Run: 92 miles
We are making hard work of getting to Bermuda, the winds have been mostly
out of the northwest which mean we have been continuously close-hauled,
there have been lots of rain squalls with gusty winds which in turn means we
are often slightly under-canvassed when not in the squalls and consequently
aren't pointing as high as we should be, especially with the large seas and
swell that continue to prevail. Still we have now only 80 miles to go, so
with a modicum of luck we should be in Bermuda about this time tomorrow, I
hope! It will sure be nice to have a break from all this bouncing around.
Bob Cat:
Let me see, will I miss this when I sitting in the sunny Bookstore window.
Nope, I don't think so! Wish skipper Bob could have made up his mind the
first time. Not to worry, now where was I? Oh yes, . Zzzzzzz.
All is well.