At anchor Myponga Bay

Position: 35 22.21 S 138 23.16 E The wind remained lighter than forecast yesterday such that we were able to sail close hauled on the starboard tack with all plain sail set (i.e. full main and working jib) all the way across the Gulf. Also the wind remained in the south, with at times a little bit of west in it, so we were able to get further south than I was expecting, fetching up in the vicinity of Port Willunga at around 1600. With the pleasant sailing conditions, we continued south, putting in three tacks to make Myponga Bay just on sunset where we anchored in six meters of water. This morning, as expected, the wind
freshened significantly, to around 25 knots, and at around 0700 we started to
drag. I let out ten more meters of chain and since then My plan is to stay put while the winds remain fresh. Tomorrow they are forecast to ease a bit (with rain coming) and, if they do, I will head down to Kangaroo Island, most likely to anchor in Eastern Cove in Nepean Bay. The longer range forecast suggests conditions will be suitable for breaking out of Backstairs Passage and continuing towards Melbourne on Wednesday. All is well. |