Thursday 10 July: Gone

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 10 Jul 2014 20:25
Course: East. Speed: 5.5 knots
Wind: South west, F4 moderate breeze
Sea: slight. Swell: south west 0.5m
Weather: overcast, cool
Days run: 28 nm
I arose shortly after dawn, about five o'clock, having advanced the ship's
clocks an hour last night to time zone M (-12). A few more degrees of
longitude and we get to repeat a day, which will make up for the day I lost
in our east to west circumnavigation. On dressing and emerging out of the
warm cocoon of Sylphs saloon, on deck I found a light breeze blowing through
the anchorage from the south. I wasn't sure whether it would be suitable
for sailing from anchor, but I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a go. In
fact it didn't take long to have the anchor aweigh and at 0535, with the
main already set, we tacked on to the starboard tack, set the jib and the
wind having now settled more in the south west we were easily able to clear
the entrance to the cove without disturbing the slumbers of the BRM.
We have managed to sail clear of all the rocks and reefs surrounding
Massacre Bay. (I believe the bay got its name from the US landing here
during WW2 while taking the island from the Japanese. Apparently 72 out of
74 landing craft were lost, not due to enemy action but due to fog and
weather!*) Now we have settled on an easterly heading with the wind off our
starboard quarter and we are once again running wing on wing. I am not sure
where our next stop will be but if the wind holds we will aim for Sweepers
Cove on Adak Island, about 350 miles away.
All is well.
*My source of information is a cruising guide to the area, so not exactly
the most rigorous reference.