Departed Tamar River

Noon Position: 41 02.5 S 146 46.2
E This morning dawned calm and sunny. Looking at the forecast, conditions, while not ideal, were not bad for continuing on our way towards Adelaide. A head wind for now but not too strong and the wind is forecast to back into the south sometime tomorrow. I figure if I can get us into a good position for the wind shifts then we might be able to make some good miles over the next three to four days. So, at 0905 I slipped Sylph's lines at the Tamar Yacht Club and motored over to the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club fuel dock where we topped up our tanks then, at 1005, were under way again. We motor-sailed out of the river with one reef in the main, pushing the flooding tide. It was slow progress and we have only just cleared the entrance to the river and are now heading offhsore, close hauled on the port tack, one reef in the main and only 50% of the jib unrolled, looking to make a comfortable upwind passage rather than a fast one. I am not sure what our next destination will be. We will just see how far we get before the weather turns foul again. Oli has taken up his usual seagoing station curled up in the back of the quarter berth and ... All is well. |