Slow But Nice
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 1 May 2015 21:09
Noon Position: 59 05.8 N 139 35.4 W
Course: South East Speed: 4 knots
Wind: South Sou' West, F3 gentle breeze
Sea slight, Swell South 1.5 metres
Weather: sunny, cool
Day's run: 69 nm.sailed, 34 nm made good.
The wind remains very light and consequently progress continues slow. Our detour towards Yakutat Bay did not help but I am glad that we made it as I feel very relieved that we now have an updated reliable weather forecast for the next few days, and also that I was able to reassure those that care that Sylph, RC, and I are all OK. Our detour also provided a magnificent view of the mountains and glaciers along the coast in the region. In particular Mt St Elias towered above the surrounding peaks (according to my chart its peak reaches 18,008 feet), high into the clear blue, near cloudless sky. Lower down I could see the extensive Malaspina Glacier pouring out of the mountain ranges towards the coast. With so much ice around Yakutat must be a very cold place to live.
Overnight we ran square before a very light north westerly breeze, with a long low swell on our beam causing the mainsail to slat at regular intervals. I contemplated dropping sails and drifting to reduce wear and tear on the rig, but not wanting to be out in the open waters of the Gulf any longer than necessary, and with light winds forecast for the next few days, I decided to accept the punishment and press on. The wind has strengthened a little during the forenoon and backed into the south west, so we have a bit more pressure in the sails and they are no longer slatting, which is a relief.
Despite the light winds, the weather is glorious. The sky is clear and blue, and the sun shines bright and long. The temperature is still cool, but it is very nice to sit in the cockpit with the sun on my back reading a book (currently “Gould's Book of Fish”).
All is well.