Rested and Ready ...

Position: Alongside RSAYS,
Adelaide The last few days have been spent catching up with friends and family and making some new friends at the RSAYS. My original plan was to move from here tomorrow and head to Marina Adelaide about six miles up the Port River, but because people have been so welcoming and the rates here more reasonable than I was expecting I have decided to remain at the RSAYS instead. My main objective over the next couple of months is to continue some maintenance tasks. The focus of the refit in New Zealand last year was on the hull, particularly below the waterline. Now I want to attend to above deck items, such as replacing the rigging, installing an SSB transceiver, fitting a new stove-oven, servicing the life raft, repairing and replacing sails, improving the security of the companionway for heavy weather, and a host of other small jobs. Now that some of my pleasant social obligations have been met I am moving back into refit mode. This afternoon I moved Sylph to the maintenance berth so we can be ready to start work tomorrow. And I have purchased a small hatchback car to use as Sylph’s work horse. It is a little early to be making public my intentions for our next adventure, especially with the uncertainties surrounding a world living with COVID, but I can say that at this stage, touch wood, things are falling into place quite nicely. All is well. |