Departed Townsville

Noon position: 18 57.2 S 146 38.5
E The crew were shaken from their bunks at a little after six and once breakfast had been served the ship was got underway just after seven. We had just motored clear of the`Breakwater channel when there was a brief moment of panic when the question was asked, "Where's Oli?", which led to the thought that he may have jumped ship. But after a quick search he was found curled up right at the back of the quarter-berth. With a sigh of relief, we turned Sylph's bow to the NW to pass through West Channel in between the mainland and Magnetic Island. Initially conditions were very light. We motored for an hour until a faint breeze filled in to which we set the main and the code zero. We then motor-sailed for half an hour until the wind had strengthened sufficiently to allow us to shut down the BRM. And a short while later, with the wind well abaft the beam, we poled the jib out to starboard which has had us averaging close to five knots. We are now half way to today's destination, Orpheus Island. I am hoping we will be able to pick up one of the six public moorings available on the west side of the Island. If not we will have to find somewhere to anchor, the most promising spot being a 2.5 meter shoal patch extending out into Hazard Bay. Our ETA is 1700 which, if all goes well, should leave us plenty of light to find a secure spot clear of any coral heads. The plan is to remain overnight and in the morning have another attempt at cleaning Sylph's hull. In the afternoon we will likely go for a snorkel over the fringing reef and clam garden. Then we will see how we feel as to whether we stay the night or perhaps sail for Dunk Island or Mourilyan Harbour. All is well. |